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Article number: Article number: kb-15
Q. Domain Registration and Domain....

A. When you register your domain with us, we provide free domain and email forwarding to existing website and existing email addresses. This means you already need to have webpages and emails setup somewhere else if you wanted to serve pages and forward emails through your new domain. Domain Registration does NOT include web hosting on our servers. That means you cannot FTP your pages onto our server if you just register your domain with us. With domain forwarding, you can create web page on free hosting space: some ISPs like AOL, Earthlink, etc... who charge monthly you to connect to the internet also offer free web space where you can upload your website - so phone your ISP customer service, they will tell you if your Dial-Up service comes with free web space on their servers. There are free hosts like or where you can build a free website (( they will display their advertisements on your free webspace, so it is really not free )) and then you can point your domain name to that free website. To FTP pages to our server, you would need to order one of our domain web hosting plans. Once you order webhosting and we receive webhosting payment, we will setup your domain to be hosted with web space, FTP access, control panel, POP3 and web based email addresses/accounts and more - be sure to check out our webhosting plans for complete description and tutorials at
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