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Article number: Article number: kb-13
Q. How do I add more domains to be hosted on the same Hosting plan?

A. If you already have hosting with us on one of your domains and your hosting plan provides for ADD ON DOMAINS, you can host several different websites under each add on domain. Step 1. Create DNS records for the add on domains. First go to Manage Domain of the domain you are already hosting with us. In Management area main screen click on Edit DNS Records. Look at all the records and how they are setup for that domain. You can write down all the values or print out your screen. Then go to Domain Management of the new Domain you want to add to your webspace, click on Edit DNS records and replicate all the records to be identical as they are from the DNS records of the domain you are already hosting with us. In this step you have made sure both DNS settings on both domains are exactly the same. 2. Login to your HOSTING control panel with your hosting user name and password. On top there is a link to our Flash Tutorials, find a Tutorial for Add On Domains and Play it - it will show you step by step how to add on new webspace for new domain within your existing hosting plan. In short: click on Add On Domains Icon, enter your domain that you are adding on in the first text box (example ) enter a password for this domains FTP access (example 123456) and enter the name of directory where webspace will be created (example/tip: it is a good idea to make it identical to the domain name so we recommend also entering the domain name: then the server will create new webspace in subdirectory with password 123456 and upon success it will provide you with confirmation screen.
This page has been viewed 1498 times

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